How to prioritize your roadmap

How to organize customer feedback in CustomerIQ to de-risk and prioritize your roadmap.

One of the biggest benefits of CustomerIQ is turning unstructured, qualitative feedback into real, quantifiable data you can use to prioritize work.

In this guide we'll walk you through how we use all our user and customer feedback to prioritize our product roadmap.

Invite your team to add notes

We run our entire customer success process through CustomerIQ, so it's important we have anyone who's talking to customers in the workspace and ready to add notes.

As our team does 1:1 or exchanges emails with customers, they add notes into our "Customer success notes" folder. These get neatly organized by contact/account and we keep a steady flow of highlights coming into our views.

Connect data sources and add notes to folders

Beyond CS notes, we also connect all customer feedback from sales conversations and support tickets. To accomplish this we connect:

  • Hubspot: this brings in all our deal notes and won/loss reasons

  • Zendesk: this brings in all our support tickets

  • Zapier: we also have zaps from Slack and a chrome extension to add feedback from anywhere

Build a view to filter by feature requests

With all these data sources connect and our team adding their notes, we can simply create a view and filter by Category=feature requests. This keeps a steady stream of feature requests coming into view.

We set the view to discover and then set our chart value by contact (or sometimes just highlights) - this helps us weight requests by the number of people, not just a few individuals who make many of the same requests.

We often compare what we learn here with a similar view that's grouping pain points (or even combine them). This gives us good coverage on what folks might be experiencing but aren't articulating in a request.

Set the view to discover

We set almost all our views to discover because we like to see specific AI-generated themes vs create our own.

Create tasks to investigate gaps

As new feature requests are added our team keeps a log of topics they want to investigate in a shared doc. This is how we prioritize our customer interviews. We rely on our views to get us to 80% conviction in what we want to tackle, then we fill any gaps with continuous interviews.

Create supplementary views to track specific topics

Sometimes we're able to get more than 80% conviction by searching specific topics in supplementary views.

For example, if we see a new feature request come in for a specific integration, like Zendesk, we often create a new view and search, "Mentions of Zendesk" - we'll either make the decision to prioritize this work then or track this view over time.

We love to share this context with the rest of the product org so we include links to views in our development tracking tool, Linear.

Last updated