
How to use charts to quantify and summarize data in view

Charts are available in every view and visualize the quantity of highlights, submissions, contacts, or accounts in any group. If your view is not set to group by a selection, the chart will display all uncategorized highlights. Set the view to "Group by" any available selection to quantify each group.

Charts have four available settings:

  • Value: quantify groups in view by highlights, submissions, contacts, and accounts.

  • Summary: sets how the chart should summarize the value, sum or as a % of all data in view.

  • Chart type: choose between trend, horizontal bar, and tree map

  • Filter: All vs Top 10

Understanding the value metric

Different values like highlights, submissions, contacts, and accounts help you give weight to different tags and categories.

Use highlights to understand how often a topic is mentioned

Since multiple highlights can come from a single submission, and contacts can have many submissions, highlights are a good general measure of how popular a topic is

Use submissions to understand how often a topic is mentioned per instance

This metric counts how many times a tag is present across submissions. This smooths the quantity in cases where a submission has many highlights about the same topic.

Use contacts to understand how many people mention a topic

This metric helps you understand a topic thematically across many people. This prevents quantifying themes where only a few people repeatedly mention the same thing, which results in many highlights about that topic.

Use accounts to understand how many companies mention a topic

This metric helps you understand a topic thematically across many accounts. This prevents quantifying themes where a subset of contacts repeatedly mention the same thing.

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