
How to integrate an email inbox with a CustomerIQ folder using Zapier

Many teams receive feedback straight to their inbox. This guide outlines how to create a feedback@ email to forward to and automatically add feedback to a CustomerIQ folder

Step 1: Create a folder where you'll store email feedback

  1. Go your folders page and verify that you have setup a folder to accept the email feedback

  2. Verify that the extraction settings are set to on or off. Note: if you expect feedback to typically cover 1 topic, we suggest turning extraction off. If you think feedback will be longer and cover multiple topics, leave it on.

Step 2: Create an email app in Zapier

  1. Go to your zaps page and create a new zap

  2. For the trigger, search for "Email by Zapier"

  3. Choose "New Inbound Email" for the event

  4. Create your custom email. We recommend something simple like, "feedback" so that users can easily search for the email in their inbox once they have used it.

  5. Copy the custom email and save it to a CustomerIQ Doc for reference

  6. Test the trigger by forwarding an email to your new inbox

Step 3: Connect the email app to your CustomerIQ folder

  1. Click on the action card and search for CustomerIQ. Note: If you haven't already, join the CustomerIQ Zapier beta by following this link:

  2. Choose "Create Folder Submission" as the event

  3. Select the folder to send feedback from email. If you need to, create a new folder then select "Refresh fields" to see it in the zapier dropdown

  4. Map "Body plain" to the submissions field

  5. Test the action. After you've sent the email to the folder refresh CustomerIQ to see it in the folder

Step 4: Set live

You're all set! Now any emails forward to this address will be stored in your CustomerIQ folder.

Last updated