Google Forms

If you haven't already, review our Zapier integration docs to get access to the Zapier integration for CustomerIQ:

Step 1: Create/update a CustomerIQ folder for your Google Forms data

  1. Go to your folders page and make sure you've setup the folder you'd like to store your Google Forms data

Note: Make sure the folder settings are set to extract or not extract as you'd like. You can always change this later but it's helpful to have it right now for testing.

Step 2: Connect Zapier to Google Forms as the Trigger

  1. Go to your Zaps page and create a new Zap

  2. Click on the Trigger card and search for Google Forms

  3. Use "New form response" as the event

  4. Authenticate your Google Forms app with Zapier

Step 3: Connect CustomerIQ as the Action

  1. If you haven't already, join the CustomerIQ Zapier integration using this link (

  2. Click on the Action card and search for CustomerIQ.

  3. Set the Action event to "Create Folder Submission"

  4. If you haven't already, authenticate your CustomerIQ workspace using an API key from your Apps and integrations page > API Keys

  5. Choose the folder to send submissions to

  6. Map the response field from Google Forms to the Folder submission field

  7. Map remaining fields

  8. Test your integration. After refreshing the CustomerIQ window you should see the submission.

Step 4: Publish your workflow and transfer data (where possible)

  1. Publish your Zap. Now new data in Google Forms will flow into your CustomerIQ folders!

  2. Some integrations allow you to initiate a transfer of historical data. When prompted, we recommend doing this so you can get a jumpstart on your analysis.

Note: Where transfers are unavailable, we recommend importing historical data via CSV:

Last updated