Recorded calls and meetings

How to transcribe calls and video meetings for upload to folders

Recorded calls and meetings are some of the most valuable mediums for customer insights. This guide will walk you through how to get them into your folders

Previously transcribed calls

Step 1: Create a CSV and import transcripts

  1. Make the first row a header row and include fields like first name, last name, email, and submission content

  2. Copy/paste your transcripts into the content cell of each row, creating one row for each call/meeting transcript

  3. Import the CSV into CustomerIQ and map to a folder

pageCSV Import

Previously recorded calls and meetings (not transcribed)

Step 1: Setup a zap from Descript to CustomerIQ

  1. Signup or login to your Descript account

  2. Go to your Zapier zaps page and create a new zap

  3. Click the trigger card and search for Descript

  4. Use "New Transcription Ready" as the event

  5. Authenticate with Descript

  6. Now click the Action card and search for CustomerIQ. Note: If you haven't join the CustomerIQ Zapier integration yet, do so by clicking this link:

  7. Use "Create folder submission" as the event

  8. Get your API key from Apps and Integrations > API Key and authenticate with CustomerIQ

  9. Choose the folder to send transcriptions to (we recommend leaving highlights extraction ON)

  10. Map the Transcribed text field to the Submission filed in CustomerIQ

  11. Test the integration

  12. Publish the zap

Step 2: Upload your recording to Descript

  1. Open Descript

  2. Create a new audio or video project

  3. Upload your meeting file

  4. On the menu next to your file click Transcribe File

  5. Confirm transcription

Step 3: See transcription in CustomerIQ

  1. When the transcription is complete you will see it in your CustomerIQ folder along with all the related highlights

In the future if you'd like to start recording calls and meetings we recommend a few applications:

Last updated