Email Assistant FAQs

Frequently asked questions about CustomerIQ's email assistant

How does the assistant learn my style?

When you connect your inbox CustomerIQ analyzes a sample of your previously sent emails to understand your tone and style. As you continue to use CustomerIQ, the assistant continues to learn and adapt to your style, improving with every send. As you continue, you should expect the emails drafts to require less and less editing.

How does the assistant draft replies?

Assistant replies are powered by CustomerIQ's contextual AI engine. As you have meetings, trade emails, and generate tickets, CustomerIQ captures important conversation highlights to use in your workflow. When the assistant goes to draft a reply or meeting follow-up it intelligently references this context to make sure every email is perfectly relevant.

How can I get CustomerIQ to write in a specific format?

The assistant continues to improve the more you use it, so if you want emails to follow a specific format or style you can simply edit and send emails in that style. As you continue, the assistant should learn enough that you do less and less editing of drafts.

How do I disable or customize the inbox labels/folders?

At this time you cannot edit or adjust labels; however, you can disable the email categorization feature altogether. Just go to Settings > My Apps and scroll to the email categorization card.

Can I use CustomerIQ to categorize past emails?

At this time the assistant will only categorize new emails as they arrive in the inbox. If you would like to clean up your entire inbox send us a note and we'll see what we can do.

What content does the email assistant have access to?

The assistant can access and reference any content in your content library. Learn more about your content library here

Last updated