Finding Insights with Views
Highlight views help you slice and dice highlights to get answers for any team
Highlights are organized by customizable views. The purpose of views are to help you filter and tag subsets of highlights created and aggregated from folders.
Editing any data in a view
The beauty of CustomerIQ is, while AI automates most processes, you can update any data the AI creates.
To update the title of a view:
Click the title to edit and update
To update anything about a highlight:
Click the highlight to open the highlight modal
Click to update the highlight
Update sentiment
Explore the original submission
Explore related objects
To bulk update highlights
Check the box next to any number of highlights and:
Add/remove tags
Delete highlights
Now, let's explore views capabilities.
Any view can filter by a number of highlight attributes including
Create date
Contact tag
Account tag
View tag
Filters can be stacked to accomplish specific subsets of highlights.
Allows you to group highlights by the selected attribute. The most popular group is by View tag, where the view will display each highlight by the view tag created by you or the AI. Views can group by:
View tag
Changes the order in which highlights are displayed. By default highlights are set to sort by create date but there are many additional options for sorting.
This tasks the AI with discovering themes among the highlights in view and tagging each insight with the subsequent theme.
This tasks the AI with tagging highlights according to any existing tags on highlights in the view. Classify requires at least 2 tags are present in view to work.
Topic Search
This filters highlights in view to highlights that are most relevant to your query. Unlike a keyword search, topic search takes into account semantic relevance. This means you are able to surface highlights that are similar to your query, but not an exact match.
AI Summaries
As changes are made to the view the AI will summarize the view for quick and easy analysis. You can always generate a new summary by selecting "New summary" under the provided summary.
All analysis in a view is governed by tags. While discover and classify will tag highlights automatically, you can add/update tags on highlights manually by selecting the row or opening the insight modal.
Nested Views
When you filter a view by a tag from a different view, your view will automatically nest as a child of the parent view (where the original tag was generated). We do this to illustrate the relationship between the views. If the parent view is updated, the child views will also update.
Last updated