Meeting Recording FAQs
Frequently asked questions by customers setting up CustomerIQ
Last updated
Frequently asked questions by customers setting up CustomerIQ
Last updated
By default, the Meeting Assistant is set to automatically join any meeting with a web conference link. This includes Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.
In any meeting, you can simply remove the bot (or deny it entry) if you don't want it to record, but we also have a few settings:
Select which one is best for your use case.
to any meeting to have it join manually.
Note: Even when adding the assistant manually you need to connect your calendar. This is how CustomerIQ knows who the participants are and which CustomerIQ workspace to send the meeting transcription
Seconds after each meeting CustomerIQ will send a wonderful summary to your inbox or Slack. This is often helpful for every participant, so you should choose who it's sent to by default
First, head over to Settings > My Apps > Meeting Assistant
The assistant will attempt to join the meeting at the start time. This can sometimes take 10-15 seconds. If you do not see the meeting assistant in the meeting make sure to check the waiting room.
Add your assistant to any meeting from the "Join my meeting" button on the home page
After submitting the required link and information in the modal, the assistant will join within about 10 seconds.
If the Google Meet meeting is configured with "Host management" mode enabled, only the "Hosts" will see popups to let participants in from the waiting room.
If none of the Hosts are in the call yet, nobody will see a pop-up to let the bot in. Once the host joins, then the host will see the pop-up appear.
Participants whose email address is on the event invite are able to join with no host present, so other invited participants may join before the host and wonder why the bot is not joining.
By default, Microsoft Teams bots will need to be let in from the lobby.