Step 0: Learn the foundations

Gain a basic understanding or the app's pillars: Folders, Submissions, Highlights, AI Assistant, and Views

Basic Organization

Your workspace is your home in CustomerIQ where all data and content live. Most organizations have one workspace that contains one or many teams. Teams contain one or many users.


When you send data, like call or support tickets to CustomerIQ, they get stored in a folder. You'll notice when setting up an integration or filtering in a view, everything is managed by folders.


When data is sent to a folder we call this a submission. Submissions can be calls recorded by the Meeting Assistant, tickets from your support integration, messages pushed from Slack, or just plain text uploaded directly.

As submissions arrive in a folder, they begin to be processed by CustomerIQ's AI.


First, the AI analyzes submissions and pulls out anything notable. We call these highlights. As highlights are created they're automatically tagged with sentiment (Negative, positive, neutral) and category. Default categories are:

  • Feature request

  • Pain point

  • Preference

  • Billing issue

  • Bug

  • Competitor mention

  • Praise

  • Other notes

As you'd imagine, long call transcripts have many highlights, where short emails might have just 1 (or 0, in the case nothing notable was mentioned).

AI Assistant

On most screens in CustomerIQ you will see an "Ask AI" option. This is our AI Assistant. The Assistant uses highlights and context gathered from submissions to provide insights and answers. The Assistant is available in:

  • Contacts

  • Accounts

  • Views

  • Docs


Highlights are organized by customizable views. Views help you create actionable insights from highlights and can filter, search, and organize highlights using AI.

Think of each view as a tool to answer a question like: "What are popular bugs in support?" or "What are the top feature requests among enterprise customers?"

What data you see in view is controlled by the View's settings bar. In any view, you can toggle a number of settings including:

  • AI search: Think of AI search like a Google query for your feedback. We use advanced AI search algorithms to filter highlights in view by their semantic relevance to your search term (as opposed to a traditional keyword search). This means you can search topics like "Mentions [feature name]" and the View will return the most relevant highlights to that term.

  • Filters: As the name suggests, filters let you filter the highlights in view by many different parameters including:

    • Folder

    • Sentiment

    • Category

    • Account tag

    • Contact tag

    • View tags (you can filter by tags created by *other views* to create a drilldown view)

  • Group: You can group highlights in view by any tag, contact, account, or category. What you group the view by dictates what is visualized in charts.

  • Sort: Change the order of highlights within groups using sort. You can sort by date, alphabetical, contact, sentiment, and more.

Views have AI Capabilities

Views have 3 AI capabilities: Search, Discover, and Classify.

  • Search: Will filter all highlights in view by those most relevant to your query

  • Cluster: Will cluster and automatically tag highlights in view with their common themes using AI.

  • Classify: Will automatically tag highlights in view by any pre-defined tags set in the view.

The main difference between Classify and Cluster is that Cluster will *discover* new tags for new themes as they emerge whereas classify will only ever tag highlights by the tags defined in the view.

Views have Charts

All views have charts. What appears in charts is dictated by how you set the "Group by" setting in the view settings bar.

Charts have settings of their own:

  • Value: Highlights, Submissions, Contacts, Accounts

  • Summary rules: How you want the value to be quantified

  • Chart type: Trend, Bar, and tree map

Last updated