Create content your customers care about
Find your best content ideas from customer pain points
The best products in the world solve customer problems or fulfill a desire.
The best content speaks directly to these problems and desires, their implications, and how you can solve them.
Now that you have your customer feedback streaming into your workspace you also have an endless supply of killer content ideas. Here's how:
Step 1: Connect sales, support and customer success notes and conversations
Sales discovery notes, support tickets, and customer success meeting minutes are LOADED with customer pain points. And we're going to have CustomerIQ find all of them.
If you haven't already:
Invite your customer success team to your workspace to add their notes
Connect your CRM, ticket system, and other customer feedback sources
Step 2: Create a view to discover common pain points and preferences
Create a new view and filter by Category=pain points
Set the view to discover
Now your pain points are neatly organized by common theme.
Step 3: Use view tags as content ideas
These themes are kindling for the content bonfire you're about to build. List out the most pressing pain points and strategize a series of content for how you help solve them.
Step 4: (Bonus) Use ChatGPT to write questions for your team to answer
The best content we produce capitalizes on the collective knowledge of our team.
When we identify a customer pain point in CustomerIQ we want to create content about, we load that pain point into ChatGPT and ask it to give us questions we can ask our team to outline our solution. Then we paste these questions into shared Slack channels and gather answers. We stitch these answers together in our posts and Voila! Expert-guided content about topics our customers care about.
Last updated