Zoom OAuth Integration

The Meeting Assistant's Zoom OAuth integration prevents you from needing to confirm permissions for each meeting

Recording Behavior

Zoom has formal requirements that bots must comply with in order to record meetings. In order to be compliant with Zoom, your meeting assistant can get recording consent one of two ways:

  1. (Default) Explicit consent

  2. OAuth permission

By default, in order for a bot to record Zoom calls:

  • The host must be present in the meeting

  • The host must explicitly grant permission to record by accepting the consent dialog

Because these requirements can introduce user friction and unexpected recording errors, we recommend using the provided OAuth permissions to grant recording permissions.

OAuth permission

As an alternative to manually accepting a consent dialog each meeting, you can grant CustomerIQ OAuth permissions to allow bots to record automatically.

This means that not only will you not have to manually grant permission each meeting, but this also enables the assistant to record meetings regardless of if you are present for your meeting.

Because of this, we highly recommend using this mode of consent to make this process easier to implement into your workspace.

Last updated